An open challenge

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Me, in July

In the midst of Federal Election challenges and with Provincial Election ones looming in Ontario (and BC?  I’ve lost track), this might sound like I’m getting political on my blog.  I’m not.

Jerry Lee Lewis famously said “What made Milwaukee famous, made a loser out of me.”  Good for you Jerry.  You also married your 12 year old cousin, so you’re not exactly batting a thousand.

Sadly, what made Milwaukee famous (I’m assuming he meant beer), has made a gainer out of me.  As in, I’m gaining weight, getting fatter.  Now, there are a few variables involved here.  I’m now 30, and I’m told your body stops just accepting whatever crap you shove down your throat around now.  Also, I’ve been working in a very sedentary job for over a year now, which also doesn’t help.  But there’s just no avoiding it:  I could comfortably drop 15-20 lbs.  At least 10.  5 wouldn’t be bad.

But one of the over-arching problems is I lack motivation.  The good news is, I like to gamble.  So I’m proposing a bet.  Initially I was thinking of making it a wager for any interested beer bloggers, but I’m happy to open it up to the beer community in Toronto in general.  If you want motivation to spend 6 weeks trying to loose weight, this could be your chance.

I’m suggesting each participant has to buy in with a pair of interesting/hard to find bottles of beer.  Value should be about $10 total.  These get pooled.  We all weigh-in.  Six weeks later, we all weigh-in again.  The winner is the person who lost the biggest percent body weight.  Get that?  Not most pounds lost, but percentage of body weight.  A 400 lbs contestant who looses 100 lbs would have lost 25% body weight.  A 100 lbs contestant who looses 50 lbs, would have lost less weight, but would win as they lost 50% body weight.  Not that I would condone that.  You would need a lot more than a basket of beer in that case.  But that’s the idea.  No other rules.  I don’t care how you loose the weight; fasting, liposuction, amputation, whatever.  You could exercise too.  Your call.

So, who’s in?    Ideally this should start May 14th, and run six weeks, to June 25th, which incidentally is Session.  Email me or just respond in the comments.  And if nobody bites, my motivation will be knowing how much better than most of you I’ll look by July.  So thanks either way.

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