Best. Strike. Ever.

Today in Copenhagen, 250 workers walked off the job at the Carlsberg Brewery, not over pay issues, not because they lost their dental plan, not even for health and safety issues.  No, they walked off the job, because the brass at Carlsberg decided to limit their beer consumption to lunch-time only.  Before the start of this month, workers were welcome to help themselves to beer located in coolers throughout the brewery.  Yes, that’s right: people working at the brewery could have a beer any time they wanted.  It’s like working for me.

Even better, Carlsberg truck drivers have stopped delivering beer in an act of support.


So, at the moment, the biggest brewer in Denmark is at a stand-still.  They claim they will not change back to the old policy, and the staff is not unionized, so they have no strangle-hold on the ownership, but still, it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

In the meantime, stand strong, you crazy Danish beer employees.  Stand strong.

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