A good weekend for beer

Wow, what happened? Somehow the past two days became big beer days. I’ll detail some of the finer points in posts to come, but briefly:

Last night I closed Volo with a dear friend who is about to leave on a four month trip to Mexico. We drank great beer, ate olives, and generally had a good night. Bentley and I were back at Volo just past noon today to book me into the beer and cheese tasting they’re hosting next weekend, chat to Ralph and Julien a bit, and have sone fuller’s cask (okay, that was just me). We got home and learned that Cask Social was having an event at Ceili Cottage in Leslieville. This was three birds with one stone: my first (of many) visits to Ceili Cottage, my first (of many) Cask Socials, and a good way to get the whole family out of the house for a nice afternoon.

Chow mein for dinner and an early bed is in order, I think.

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