A beer for quitting time

Steven Slater is my kind of guy.  A career flight attendant, who had just nursed his mother through her last days, something he had done for his father before, he knew when to call it quits.  After landing at JFK airport from Pittsburgh yesterday, he asked a passenger to return to his seat, as the passenger was trying to retrieve his carry-on baggage.  The passenger defied him, called him a m-ther f-cker, and dropped his bag on Steven’s head.  Steven did what any normal person would do.  He took to the plane’s intercom, cursed the idiot out over the PA for all to here, deployed an emergency exit slide, grabbed a beer off the drink trolley, and slid into retirement.  After leaving in his car, he was arrested at home for mischief and endangerment (apparently ground-crew could have been injured or killed by the inflatable slide).

I have no words to describe how immensely proud I am of Steven Slater.  Did he physically hurt the rude customer?  No.  Did he go home and kick his dog?  No.  He grabbed a beer and said goodbye to a thankless, exhausting job.  And I might be wrong, but I have a feeling he will have no trouble finding a new job, just as soon as his legal case is settled.  I would hire him.  I don’t care if he’s never used the internet.  I like people who are willing to call bullshit.

Full story here http://www.thestar.com/news/world/article/845791–flight-attendant-snaps-makes-dramatic-exit?bn=1

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