Organic Weisen Edel-Weisse – G. Schneider & Sohn

The first organic weisse beer I’ve ever had, I was excited to give it a try.

Organic Edel-Weisse

Organic Edel-Weisse

Poured from a 500ml bottle with some un-descipherable dating stamp on the back. Beer is a straw to honey yellow, lightly cloudy, with a big old weisse head that slowly dissipates but doesn’t leave much lace.  Very active carbonation. Aroma is spicy, with lots of cloves and hits of cinnamon, and banana with hints of tropical fruits.  Taste is very spicy, almost peppery, cloves and warm spices.  Fruit is estery and and sweet, more pineapple than banana.  Aftertaste is nicely fruity, but doesn’t linger too much. Very drinkable, with a nice clean mouthfeel and good carbonation.  This is a very cool beer.  Not like regular Schneider-Weisse, but very good.