No 8 – Maredsous

Ahhhhh, the benefits of having a friend who makes regular trips to Montreal.  My friend Rob brought this for me along with a bottle of St Ambroise Oatmeal Stout from his last trip.  I’m already planning on how to get him to come to Mondial with me next summer.  So Maredsous, here’s the deal:  Made by the some folks who bring us Duvel, these are beers made in the same style as the Trappist Abbey ales, dubbel, trippel, quad, etc.  Despite not having the same pedigree as, say, Rochforte, these beers rate incredibly high.  Here we go!

No 8 - Maredsous

No 8 - Maredsous

From a classically shaped 330ml Belgian bottle with a best before date, the beer is clear mahogany brown, with a big thick tan head supported by a very active carbonation.  Even half-way through the glass, there is still at least an inch of head, and the glass is thick with lace.  Aroma is is sweet and boozy, with a nice spiciness.  There is banana and rum, with some licorice and hints of dark fruits.  Taste is malty, with a seriously sharp alcohol bite.  There is an earthy almost musty yeast that is a little reminiscent of farmhouse style cheeses.  The spiciness is medicinal now, almost hints of Jagermeister.  There is also some mineral to the taste, sharp and a little metalic. There’s some coffee to the finish, with a little bitterness to cut some of the medium body.  Gorgeous.  Body is medium, not cloying, but definitely thicker then your average ale, but a nice active carbonation helps cut it a bit.  Definitely not a beer that you would chug, but I could happily spend a few hours with three of these and some beautiful cheese.  Thanks Rob, you’re tops!